News – NB Speaker Cables



Kingpin Speaker Cable Discontinued

After nearly 3 years as the mob leader, our Kingpin is being discontinued. We chose to keep this cable as an option after we released our fully cus...

NB Speaker Cables can now offer discount codes!

Okay, so this seems a little trivial but it's something that's been bothering us for a while that's now been fixed. The E-Commerce software we use ...

Interconnects are not only back, but they've had an upgrade!

Interconnects are not only back, but they've had an upgrade!
Last month we were informed the wire used in almost all of our Interconnects had been discontinued. As a result, we had to put the majority of our ...

Fully custom speaker cables are here!

Fully custom speaker cables are here!
It's taken nearly 5 years, but we've finally achieved our initial goal in what we wanted to offer here at NB Speaker Cables, fully custom speaker c...

We're proud to announce the release of our first speaker kit, Mercury!

We're proud to announce the release of our first speaker kit, Mercury!
Finally, after 2 years in the making, we have finally released our first speaker kit!  'Mercury' is a fun little 2 way bookshelf speaker combining ...

Another one bites the dust...

Sadly, today we've been informed that another one of the wires we use in many of our interconnects is being discontinued by the manufacturer due to...

Update on our speaker and speaker kit range

Update on our speaker and speaker kit range
Remember when we said we were working on speaker kits? Well… we still are! The idea took a back seat for a few months while we focused on our cable...

Introducing 'The Elitist' - Our "High End" Cable

We all know at least one dickhead that dresses fancy and thinks he's better than everyone else, when it comes to our cable range, this is that guy!...

Introducing Proteus, our new XLR cable

Proteus, a Greek God of the sea, capable of changing form at will. Introducing Proteus, a Balanced 3 pin XLR interconnect made from Australian Manu...

Price increase from 1 August 2021 due to increase in copper prices

For those that follow the commodity indexes, you would know that metals have seen a significant increase in prices with out humble friend Copper be...

New Heatshrink

***NEW HEATSHINK*** NBSC will be changing over the heatshrink used in a large portion of our cables. Previously, we have used a glue lined heatshri...

Massive Product Drop

In amongst a lot of time working on the release of our speaker kits, we haven't lost focus of where it all started with NBSC, speaker cables! Today...